Friday, November 8, 2013

We'll Be Open Soon!

Hey there! Thanks for dropping in! 

This blog is heavily under construction and will likely not launch until December, but I thought I'd give a few insights on what kind of content you can expect to see here, as well as a quick bit (or should I say bite?) of background about me and why I'm starting it.

Why 'Fast Food Fangirl' ? 

I'm really, really into food. Which is hilarious because I can't cook to save my life.

But I can microwave like no other, sort the hot from not in the treat aisles at the grocery store and tell it like it is when the food I've ordered from a restaurant is awesome... or awful. I also live in a teeny, tiny town and the only thing this place has more of than churches is places to eat. I've lived here all my life, though, and I've barely scratched the surface.

That's going to change.

Everybody has to eat. But not everybody loves to eat. Food, and more importantly what is tasty, is very subjective. But quality ingredients? Good service? A memorable atmosphere? Microwave food that doesn't taste like dog food? These are a little harder to argue with. (Okay, the last one may be a stretch, but seriously, things have vastly improved!)

To me, food isn't just something I mindlessly shovel in my mouth. Food is joy. A discussion. A passion. Food can impact creativity, memories, and traditions. Food is a common link that binds us all together.

So in short? You've gotta eat. If you need quick 'n easy, let me show you the microwavable or easy to make foods that are actually good. If you're dining out--whether that means a restaurant, some fast food, or having something delivered to your door--let me share some feedback from *years* of eating this stuff.

The food you eat should always be an experience. I hope I can help make your next meal a good one!

Fast Food Fangirl Features! 

Reviews: I will be reviewing five 'kinds' of food on this blog: fast food, delivery food, restaurant food / restaurants, microwavable / quick 'n easy food, and snack food / junk food.

Time Warp! I'm a bit addicted to old school fast food and junk food commercials. I want to honor the history of the food I've loved throughout my life, so sometimes you'll see Time Warp articles where I'll post an old school food commercial and share a memory.

Gimme Some Of That! There are two ways this topic may go and I'm not sure if I'll use a 2nd name for one or not. #1 is food around the world that I wish I could try but can't. #2 is when I hear about new foods coming to restaurants / stores in town and talk about what they are and why I hope we'll get 'em.

Fast Food Face Off! Who serves the best burger? The best chicken? The best pizza? The best smoothie? ...Lets find out! Periodically I'm going to host features where I scope out something food related and try a bunch of different versions over a month. I'll review each of them and then tell you who I think has 'it' in a wrap up post. But remember how I said food is subjective? You guys get to have an opinion, too. You'll be able to drop by and vote for your favorite. Hopefully you'll even tell me WHY you love it so much.

Food In The Community: There are two ways articles about this will come up. Either a food place / restaurant is doing something noble and I want to make sure people know, or I've gone to an event and had awesome (or awful) food and my blog will give me the freedom to share my experiences--both with the food and with whatever event I attended. (Man I wish I'd taken proper images at the Watermark Irish Pub! So much to say about my meal there!)

Napanee Area Food Directory: If you're like me, you hate having to hunt up phone numbers, addresses, directions via google maps, website information... So I'm going to save us all the trouble. (even me--once I complete this I'll never have to web search again....) The Napanee Area Food Directory will (hopefully) include the phone number, address, google maps link, website and any reviews available for each restaurant and fast food location in the greater Napanee area.

... and more.

I hope this makes it clear that I have tons of fabulous ideas for the blog, and that you're as excited to see how it will go as I am to get it off the ground. Have any comments, questions or suggestions? E-mail me at:

isis_willowsong (at) hotmail (dot) com 

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